
j9游会真人游戏第一品牌-j9九游会-真人游戏第一品牌 行业动态 大美侗衣 | 张国云民族服饰艺术研究展及学术讲座在香港理工大学成功举办

大美侗衣 | 张国云民族服饰艺术研究展及学术讲座在香港理工大学成功举办-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

核心提示:2024年1月16日,四川美术学院教授张国云在香港理工大学创新楼服装馆举办“大美侗衣——张国云民族服饰艺术研究展”。展览开幕式由香港理工大学时装及纺织学院kinor jiang教授主持。


大美侗衣 | 张国云民族服饰艺术研究展

beauty of dong costumes:

zhang guoyun ethnic art research exhibition

2024年1月16日,四川美术学院教授张国云在香港理工大学创新楼服装馆举办“大美侗衣——张国云民族服饰艺术研究展”。展览开幕式由香港理工大学时装及纺织学院kinor jiang教授主持。香港理工大学时装及纺织学院院长erin cho教授,副院长joanne yip教授分别致辞。张国云教授致答谢辞。香港理工大学创新楼服装馆馆长annie yu教授宣布展览开幕。香港理工大学时装及纺织学院fei bin教授、hu hong教授、kit lun yick教授、tsai-chun huang教授及众多院校教师、行业知名设计师等出席。本次展览由香港理工大学时装及纺织学院主办,四川美术学院设计学院协办。展览将持续到 2月 28日。

beauty of dong costumes - zhang guoyun ethnic art research exhibition was held at the fashion gallery of the hong kong polyhnic university on 16 january 2024. the opening reception of the exhibition was hosted by prof. kinor jiang from the school of fashion and textiles of the hong kong polytechnic university. prof. erin cho, dean of the school of fashion and textiles, and prof. joanne yip, associate dean of the school of fashion and textiles gave their welcoming speeches respectively. prof. guoyun zhang delivered acknowledgement gratefully. and prof. annie yu, the chairman of the fashion gallery of school of fashion and textiles, delivered the opening speech. prof. bin fei, prof. hu hong, prof. kit lun yick, prof. tsai-chun huang, many other faculty members from the hong kong polytechnic university and other universities, fashion designers, and industry experts attended the event. this exhibition was organized by the school of fashion and textiles of the hong kong polytechnic university and co-organized by the design aemy of sichuan fine arts institute. the exhibition will continue through 28 february.



香港理工大学时装及纺织学院院长erin cho教授在致辞中对张国云老师展览在香港理工大学的举办表达了诚挚欢迎。认为张国云老师将侗族文化与实践相结合,收获了丰富的硕果,展览的作品是张老师多年学术研究及创作的集中体现。erin cho教授表示,张国云老师本次展览作品将为学院师生展示中国传统文化的魅力,给人带来服装之美的体验。

in the opening reception, prof. erin cho express her sincere welcome to prof. guoyun zhang's exhibition at the hong kong polytechnic university. prof. erin cho said that the works of prof. zhang combined dong’s culture and her own expanded pract brilliantly. it is a concentrated expression of prof zhang’s research achievements in recent decades. she also said that this exhibition will show the charm of traditional chinese culture to the researchers, designers, and students in the school, which can build a platform for the public to feel the beauty of dong clothing.











开幕式结束后,张国云教授在香港理工大学qr404教室为学院师生带来侗族服饰艺术研究专题讲座,讲座由香港理工大学时装及纺织学院kinor jiang教授主持。讲座中张国云教授以贵州黄岗侗寨的初次调研为切入点,介绍了自己从2009年至今的侗族服饰研究经历,结合多组实际案例,从田野、学术、实践、教学四个角度,详细介绍了学术研究及设计转换的具体过程。在讲座的提问环节,张国云教授就同学所提出的侗族服饰文化、侗布制作技艺、侗布的当代转化等问题进行了答疑。

after the opening reception, prof. guoyun zhang gave the semr "research on dong costume art" to the college students and teachers in room qr404 at the hong kong polytechnic university. the seminar was hosted by prof. kinor jiang from the school of fashion and textiles of the hong kong polytechnic university. in the lecture, prof. guoyun zhang took her initial field investigation in guizhou provinces as the starting point and then introduced her own research on dong costumes from 2009 to the present. prof. zhang shared her own experience on research and design practice from four perspectives: field investigation, academic research, innovative transformation, and the teaching profession.in the question-and-answer session, prof. zhang answered the questions about the ethnic costume culture, unique making techniques, and the modern transformation possibilities of dong clothing.



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